The Outta Scale (Ratings)

10: Perfect Score. Usually reserved for albums that are reissues and have been out five years or more, but there may be the odd exception where an LP might be scored this if it might be a total game changer. Basically, there has to be a really timeless and transcendent quality to this in order to be perfect.

9: The Cream of the Crop. Albums ranked this are probably going to be in my personal Top 10 end of year list.

8: Awesome. Not quite perfect, but still extremely commendable. Essentially one of the best albums by an artist or in the genre.

7: Darn Tootin’ Great. There are weaknesses, but, if I had the time, money and inclination, and if I was a fan of the artist or genre, I would still buy it.

6: Good. Still likeable, but really more for the fans. Personally, I would stream this or borrow it but not buy it, unless I was a huge fan of the artist/genre.

5: OK. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and they come out in equal measure here.

4: Fair. A handful of good or decent tracks, but that’s about it.

3: Bleh. Not much to recommend here even if you like the artist or genre. Maybe one or two alright songs, but that’s it.

2: Poor. Basically, you have to be an absolute diehard fan of the artist or genre who collects everything they release no matter how good or bad it is to get anything out of this.

1: Awful. Everything about this release is downright terrible. Nothing at all to recommend here.

0: Utter Bomb. Reserved for albums so tasteless, racist or sexist that they aren’t worth human consumption.

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